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13th International Engine Congress 2026

24-02-2026 – 25-02-2026 – Baden-Baden or virtually via live stream

Scientific Advisory Board

A scientific advisory board made up of outstanding personalities from each of the fields involved supports our conference in terms of planning and finding topics.

Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl
Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl

TU Darmstadt Chairman of Commercial Vehicle Engine Technology

 Karl Dums
Karl Dums

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Chairman of Sustainable Fuels & Energy

Dr. Alexander Heintzel
Dr. Alexander Heintzel

Editor-in-Chief ATZ | MTZ Group, Springer Nature (ad interim) Scientific Congress Chairman
(ad interim) Chairman of Passenger Car Engine Technology

Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch
Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Chairman of Sustainable Fuels & Energy

Passenger Car Engine Technology

Dr. Christian Brenneisen

AUDI AG, Germany

Prof. Dr. Helmut Eichlseder

Graz University of Technology, Austria

Dr. Günter Fraidl

AVL List GmbH, Austria

Dr. Alexander Heintzel

Editor-in-Chief ATZ | MTZ Group, Springer Nature

Christian Lensch-Franzen

APL Automobil-Prüftechnik Landau GmbH, Germany

Dr. Christoph Menne

FEV Europe GmbH, Germany

Dr. Erik Schünemann

Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany

Dr. Jörg Theobald

Volkswagen AG, Germany

Dr. Marco Warth

MAHLE GmbH, Germany

Dr. Michael Winkler

Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH, Germany

Commercial Vehicle Engine Technology

Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl

TU Darmstadt, Germany

Dr. Andreas Broda

MAN Truck & Bus SE, Germany

Dr. Michael Elicker

Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Germany

Jürgen Lehmann

Daimler Truck AG, Germany

Bernhard Raser

AVL List GmbH, Austria

Dr. Markus Schwaderlapp

DEUTZ AG, Germany

Sustainable Fuels & Energy

Dr. Tobias Block

eFuel Alliance e. V., Germany

Dr. David Bothe

Frontier Economics Ltd., Germany

Karl Dums

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Germany

Dr. Benedikt Heuser

FEV Group GmbH, Germany

Jörg Hübeler

Neste Germany GmbH, Germany

Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Martin Nitsche

FVV e. V., Germany

Martin Rothbart

AVL List GmbH, Austria

Dr. Werner Willems

TEC4FUELS GmbH, Germany

Prof. Dr. Thomas Willner

HAW Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany