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Heavy-Duty Engines 2025
18-11-2025 – 19-11-2025 – Colmar, France
Cooperation partners
Show us what your innovative research and development activities look like at present. In the name of the Scientific Advisory Board, we cordially invite you to contribute to the success of our event with your specialist presentation.
Represent your company and convince the participants of your expertise in person by making your presentation available on our “communication platforms”.
Profit from the intensive exchange in the network of the ATZ | MTZ community. Besides the evening set aside for meetings with the entire circle of participants, the “getting to know you” snack for the speakers held on the eve of the event offers plentiful opportunities for good talks and new contacts. Your name and your presentation topic were published in the sector via our numerous marketing activities in the run-up to the event.
We’re looking forward to talking to you!
Editor-in-Chief ATZ | MTZ Group
1. Call for Papers
Have you got an interesting topic you want to present to the sector? We are pleased that you would like to submit a proposal online via this portal until 07 May 2025.
more information Call for Papers
Submit your proposal directly online
2. Notification of the speakers
You will receive notifications at the notification date whether the presentations were accepted or rejected. Should you be included, you will receive a confirmation from us. As a speaker, we will of course keep you regularly up-to-date so that you do not miss anything.
Submitting of your “manuscript including a summary”, information on the “equipment you require” and your “potted CV”
Please contact our technician at the venue in the break before your presentation at the latest and copy your current presentation onto the event computer. It may also be possible to use your own notebook on request. Then you can present current projects and the latest developments to your colleagues as part of your presentation.
The time allowed for the presentation is 20-25 minutes, and it will be followed by a discussion.
The language of the presentation is optionally German or English; presentation manuscripts and slides are to be prepared in English.
We have a simultaneous interpreter to translate from German to English at the venue.
The participants will receive conference documents for the event, which include the abstracts and papers of the speakers.
For this purpose, we require the following from you by 17 October 2025 at the latest:
Format: Word file
Language: English
Please use the Word template in the download area on the right side to ensure that the presentation documents have a consistent look.
After the conference, your paper will be published as part of the conference proceedings at Springer Vieweg and on the online platforms Springer Link and Springer Professional.
We will provide you with the following equipment for your presentation:
If you require any additional equipment, please notify us using the reply sheet.
Please contact us at the venue in the break before your presentation at the latest so that we and our technician can transfer your presentation slides onto the event computer or test your notebook.
The slides should be designed in the current standard 16:9 format. Please ensure good legibility. We ask for a font size of at least 24 point.
The moderators will briefly introduce the speakers before they start their presentation. For this reason, we require a short profile beforehand. Please lay the emphasis on the last 5-8 years.
Château de la Confrérie St. Etienne à Kientzheim
1 Grand-Rue,
68240 Kaysersberg, France
Enjoy a delightful evening and interesting conversations over dinner with colleagues and speakers.
18 November 2025, from 7 p.m.
Participation in the conference includes attendance at the evening event.
Please register at the check-in of the venue as of 8:00 a.m. You will be given your conference documents and all other information there.
A photographer from Springer Fachmedien will accompany the event. The images will be used for reporting on the event in the magazines of the Springer-Group and as part of promotion activities on the event website.
The following special Conditions apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions for Events by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH. In case of any inconsistency the following Conditions shall prevail.
If the Customer cancels attendance before 27 October 2025, he/she shall be released from paying the attendance fee. In the event of a later cancellation, the full attendance fee will be invoiced. Notice of cancellation must be given in text form. It is to be sent to: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 46, D-65189 Wiesbaden; fax +49 (0)611 / 78 78 – 452; e-mail: events.wiesbaden(at) Where the notice of cancellation is sent by postal mail, the date of the post office stamp shall determine compliance with the relevant deadline.
It is not permitted to reproduce written materials for the event or distribute it to third parties without approval in writing by ATZlive. It is not permitted to take photographs of presentation slides, make audio or video recordings of the event or record an online event.
Your data will be stored in electronic form in compliance with the GDPR. The ATZlive privacy policy applies. We do not transmit your address to third parties for direct marketing. Should you not wish us to inform you about our publications, please send an email with your address data to:
Do you wish to book several employees of your company as attendees of the event? Are you a student? Are you employed as a researcher at a university? Do you wish to attend the event as an individual person? Please contact us for possible individual conditions.
All of the lectures and presentations we have received are available for download from the first day of the event. After your successful registration on our website you will find them in our participant area. After the event, updated or subsequent submissions will be published there and are available for download.
When using our digital event platform for event formats, the documents and an overview of the participants are also available within the application.
All registered participants, exhibitors, speakers, advisory boards and media representatives of the event will receive access to the participant area of the visited event on our website, accessible via the "Login" button at the top of this page.
Registration is required for online access. This can be done directly with the registration for the event and is free of charge.
If you have registered without registering, you can also register by clicking on the "Login" button. Please indicate the event for which you have registered. After checking your data, you will be activated for the corresponding conference documents.
For reasons of data privacy to the new EU-DSGVO, we do not publish lists of participants at the event.
The participation fee will be waived for one speaker per paper presented.
All participants, exhibitors, speakers, Advisory Board members and media representatives at the event are given access to the participants’ area of the event website. Please click on the “Login” button at the top of this page.
Various event documents are available in the participants’ area during the event. In addition, the presentation manuscripts submitted are also available for download for logged-in participants after the event.
Registration is required for online access. This can be done directly during booking of the event and is free of charge.
If you have already made a booking without registering, you can register now. Please specify the event for which you have already made a booking.
Colmar Exhibition Centre
Avenue de la Foire aux Vins
68000 Colmar
How to get there
By train
Colmar (a.o. TGV connection)
By plane
Euroairport Basel-Mulhouse: Distance approx. 70 kilometres (arrival by car approx. 45 minutes; arrival by train approx. 1 hour)
International Airport Frankfurt Rhein-Main: Distance approx. 275 kilometres (arrival by car or by train approx. 3 hours)
Strasbourg Airport: Distance approx. 70 kilometres (arrival by car approx. 50 minutes; arrival by train approx. 1 hour)
By car
Distance from Straßburg: approx. 70 kilometres
Distance from Paris: approx. 480 kilometres
Distance from Frankfurt am Main: approx. 290 kilometres
Distance from Stuttgart: approx. 215 kilometres
Distance from Munich: approx. 430 kilometres
Distance from Hamburg: approx. 770 kilometres
Distance from Zurich: approx. 150 kilometres
Distance from Vienna: approx. 880 kilometres
Parking free of charge at the venue
Bus shuttle to the venue
There will be a bus transfer from the hotels to the venue.
You have WLAN access free of charge at most conferences. Information on how to gain access is available at the event.