Automated Driving 2020 - Video Presentations
Video recording of the lectures and the prepared presentation papers
Recordings of the hybrid event on 13 and 14 October 2020
Cooperation partners
Video recording of the lectures and the prepared presentation papers
The 7th International ATZ Conference “Automated Driving 2020” 13 and 14 October 2020 - designed as a hybrid event due to the Covid-19 pandemic - was a great success with many exciting contributions.
Stay up to date in times of social distancing and benefit from the collected expertise in the development of the automated driving of the future. We have recorded the lectures and made them available to you as video recordings together with the conference papers for flexible access.
Book the video package for Automated Driving 2020 and you will receive your personal access to the latest specialist information. On our website you have access to the released video presentations as well as the submitted presentation papers of the event.
13 video presentations
18 presentation papers of the event and 3 posters of the science pitches
Your personal advantage:
You are able to retrieve the presentations as well as the science pitches with the corresponding posters
You benefit from the expertise of internationally renowned experts in the automotive industry
You will have access to the video presentations for two years and decide when, where and how often you watch them
Even in the Covid-19 pandemic, you will stay up-to-date on the latest developments in your field - safe distance guaranteed!
You will receive valuable conference content without spending travel time and expenses
Accessible in the office, at home, while traveling, using any Internet-capable devices
Gratis video for registered visitors
Recordings of the hybrid event on 13 and 14 October 2020
Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Dr. h.c. Torsten Bertram,
TU Dortmund
A scientific advisory board made up of outstanding personalities from each of the fields involved supports our conference in terms of planning and finding topics.